The simplest way to check is Searchy is correctly listening is by the test action in the init script, just execute 'SEARCHY.SH TEST' or 'SEARCHY.BAT TEST' and if the agent is running, its name must be displayed.
Searchy has not been designed to be used by final users, but by other applications like servlets, PHP pages or heavy applications. So, a custom client should be developed, but a generic client for testing proposes has been included in the distribution of Searchy.
To use the generic client, set the classpath to include the jar files LIB/LOG4J-1.2.4.JAR, LIB/JAVA-GETOPT-1.0.9.JAR, LIB/SPHEON-JSOAP.JAR, the CLASSES folder and execute the class es.rediris.searchy.client.SearchyLocator, it accepts three arguments: